**WARNING**: The following material has not yet had a chance to become canonical. **Warning**: Unmarked spoilers ahead. ---- **Vasharesh** is a late, impromptu addition to the pantheon. He has a perfect command of the mind - both his own and, more importantly, those of others, being able to read and rewrite memories and personalities of his victims. The [[:kavkem|kavkema]] consider him a deeply terrifying demigod, so fundamentally disturbing that adherents of various religions attribute his appearance to a ripple through the universe that allowed some of [[:kavkem:mythology:Garukaron]] to fragment, come loose and become autonomous. Religious opinions have yet to settle, though. Given his 'psychic ability', some also consider him part mammal, and thus under (perhaps involuntary) command of [[:kavkem:mythology:Tkanetar]]. As he's not a stable concept in any one [[:kavkem:mythology]], there's no means to attribute him primarily to any particular faith - but it's clear that he corresponds to the fallen [[:Threadwielder]] [[:character:Valcen]], who in a desperate bargain is working for the Nayabaru as to leverage their technology (vastly superior to that of the kavkema) to realise his own plans. Adherents of [[:kavkem:mythology:Leksharia]] tend to assume he's //Q'ur//.