There are 21 "consonants" in //[[:Kendane͡ivash]]// and 11 "vowels"; these have separately defined alphabets. The standard Latin transcription used by the author consists of all standard Latin characters, **plus** the extra character //s̈// and **minus** //c//, //w// and //x//. In other words, these Latin letters are used: | a | b | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | s̈ | t | u | v | y | z | The consonant alphabet is transcribed as follows: | z | sh | s | r | l | h | b | p | n | m | v | f | th | t | d | j | g | q | k | ks | s̈ | * //f// is more often rendered as //ph// * //k// may be optionally rendered as //c// (such as in [[:character:Valcen]]'s name), usually when the author feels that using //k// would make the word look too much like someone slipped and fell into German. The vowel alphabet is transcribed as follows: | o | u | a | i͡u | e͡i | i | i͡y | y | a͡i | u͡i | e |