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nyaqen:time-keeping [2018-05-12 21:35] pinkgothicnyaqen:time-keeping [2018-05-12 22:13] (current) pinkgothic
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-The sapient species of Nekenalos ([[:kavkem]]a and [[:Nayabaru]]) share their time-keeping systems. The terms are derived from //[[:Kendane͡ivash]]//. In difference to other //Kendane͡ivash// nouns, the terms used for time-keeping serve as their own plural form - in other words, the plur of //skuro// is still //skuro//, not //skuroa//.+The sapient species of Nekenalos ([[:kavkem]]a and [[:Nayabaru]]) share their time-keeping systems. The terms are derived from //[[:Kendane͡ivash]]//. 
 +In difference to other //Kendane͡ivash// nouns, the terms used for time-keeping serve as **their own plural form** - in other words, the plural of //skuro// is still //skuro//, not //skuroa//.
 ===== Celestial, Chiefly Used In Mythological Contexts ===== ===== Celestial, Chiefly Used In Mythological Contexts =====
-==== Skuro ("Era") ====+==== skuro ("Era") ====
 One [[planet:Daskuvar]] orbit around [[:Mekiva]]. One [[planet:Daskuvar]] orbit around [[:Mekiva]].
Line 13: Line 15:
   * ~18223 years   * ~18223 years
-==== Siro ("Ward") ====+==== siro ("Ward") ====
 One [[planet:Dasirvi]] orbit around Mekiva. One [[planet:Dasirvi]] orbit around Mekiva.
Line 24: Line 26:
   * 1276.46 days   * 1276.46 days
-==== Nero ("Year") ====+==== nero ("Year") ====
 One orbit of [[planet:Nekenalos]] around Mekiva. One orbit of [[planet:Nekenalos]] around Mekiva.
Line 39: Line 41:
 ===== Celestial, In Civilian Use ===== ===== Celestial, In Civilian Use =====
-==== Tevo ("Pass") ====+==== tevo ("Pass") ====
 Time it takes for [[planet:Tevasur]] to realign with Nekenalos and Mekiva, i.e. orbit Mekiva once (~241 Earth days) plus change (~85 Earth days to catch up to Nekenalos, keeping in mind that Nekenalos also continues to move). Note that due to orbital eccentricity, "re-align" is not actually what one might expect. Time it takes for [[planet:Tevasur]] to realign with Nekenalos and Mekiva, i.e. orbit Mekiva once (~241 Earth days) plus change (~85 Earth days to catch up to Nekenalos, keeping in mind that Nekenalos also continues to move). Note that due to orbital eccentricity, "re-align" is not actually what one might expect.
Line 50: Line 52:
   * ~327 days   * ~327 days
-==== Yennedo ("Calendar") ====+==== yennedo ("Calendar") ====
 Time it takes for [[planet:Yeenajei]] to orbit Mekiva often enough that the orbit sequence begins exactly at a Nekenalosan midnight and ends exactly at a Nekenalosan midnight. Time it takes for [[planet:Yeenajei]] to orbit Mekiva often enough that the orbit sequence begins exactly at a Nekenalosan midnight and ends exactly at a Nekenalosan midnight.
Line 61: Line 63:
 ^ //Weeks// ^ TH  ^ TU  ^ QA  ^ YU  ^ KA  ^ TH  ^ TU  ^ QA  ^ YU  ^ KA  ^ ^ //Weeks// ^ TH  ^ TU  ^ QA  ^ YU  ^ KA  ^ TH  ^ TU  ^ QA  ^ YU  ^ KA  ^
-^  1-2      | 1   | 2   | 3   | 4   | 5   | 6   | 7   | 8   | 9       | +^  1-2      | 1   | 2   | 3   | 4   | 5   | 6   | 7   | 8   | 9       | 
-^  3-4      | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13      | 14  | 15  | 16  | 17  | 18  | +^  3-4      | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13      | 14  | 15  | 16  | 17  | 18  | 
-^  5-6      | 19  | 20  | 21  | 22      | 23  | 24  | 25  | 26  | 27  | +^  5-6      | 19  | 20  | 21  | 22      | 23  | 24  | 25  | 26  | 27  | 
-^  7-8      | 28  | 29  | 30  | 31      | 32  | 33  | 34  | 35  | 36  | +^  7-8      | 28  | 29  | 30  | 31      | 32  | 33  | 34  | 35  | 36  | 
-^  9-10     | 37  | 38  | 39  | 40      | 41  | 42  | 43  | 44      | +^  9-10     | 37  | 38  | 39  | 40      | 41  | 42  | 43  | 44      | 
-^ 11-12     | 45  | 46  | 47  | 48  | 49  | 50  | 51  | 52  | 53      | +^ 11-12     | 45  | 46  | 47  | 48  | 49  | 50  | 51  | 52  | 53      | 
-^ 13-14     | 54  | 55  | 56  | 57  | 58  | 59  | 60  | 61  | 62      | +^ 13-14     | 54  | 55  | 56  | 57  | 58  | 59  | 60  | 61  | 62      | 
-^ 15-16     | 63  | 64  | 65  | 66  | 67  | 68  | 69  | 70  | 71      | +^ 15-16     | 63  | 64  | 65  | 66  | 67  | 68  | 69  | 70  | 71      | 
-^ 17-18     | 72  | 73  | 74  | 75  | 76  | 77  | 78  | 79  | 80      | +^ 17-18     | 72  | 73  | 74  | 75  | 76  | 77  | 78  | 79  | 80      | 
-^ 19-20     | 81  | 82  | 83  | 84      | 85  | 86  | 87  | 88  | 89  |  +^ 19-20     | 81  | 82  | 83  | 84      | 85  | 86  | 87  | 88  | 89  |  
-^ 21-22     | 90  | 91  | 92  | 93      | 94  | 95  | 96  | 97  | 98  |  +^ 21-22     | 90  | 91  | 92  | 93      | 94  | 95  | 96  | 97  | 98  |  
-^ 23-24     | 99  | 100 | 101 | 102     | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 |  +^ 23-24     | 99  | 100 | 101 | 102     | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 |  
-^ 25        | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111         |||||+^ 25        | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111         |||||
-==== Yeno ("Week") ====+==== yeno ("Week") ====
 Time it takes for [[planet:Yeenajei]] to orbit so it is in the same place relative to Nekenalos (i.e. one proper orbit plus a little bit of change), rounded to Nekenalosan days. Since Yeenajei does not orbit a multiple of Nekenalosan days, this has a day variance. See "Calendar" for the pattern of short to long weeks. Time it takes for [[planet:Yeenajei]] to orbit so it is in the same place relative to Nekenalos (i.e. one proper orbit plus a little bit of change), rounded to Nekenalosan days. Since Yeenajei does not orbit a multiple of Nekenalosan days, this has a day variance. See "Calendar" for the pattern of short to long weeks.
Line 102: Line 104:
 The //Sleeping Day// (//Taakas̈//) is not always present. See the Calendar section for more details. The //Sleeping Day// (//Taakas̈//) is not always present. See the Calendar section for more details.
-==== Taath ("Day") ====+==== taath ("Day") ====
 Time it takes for Nekenalos to rotate around itself. Time it takes for Nekenalos to rotate around itself.
Line 112: Line 114:
 ===== Fractional Units ===== ===== Fractional Units =====
-==== Paro ("Hour") ====+==== paro ("Hour") ====
 An eighth of a Nekenalosan day. The hours have names, though they are rarely used: An eighth of a Nekenalosan day. The hours have names, though they are rarely used:
-  * **Sunfloat** \\ Starts at midnight, lasts halfway until what we would call sunrise. +  * **Kigaronosh**, //sunfloat// \\ Starts at midnight, lasts halfway until what we would call sunrise. 
-  * **Twilight Sunfloat** \\ Starts halfway between midnight and what we would call sunrise, ends at what we would call sunrise. +  * **Vaagaronosh**, //twilight sunfloat// \\ Starts halfway between midnight and what we would call sunrise, ends at what we would call sunrise. 
-  * **Twilight Sunrise** \\ Starts at what we would call sunrise, lasts halfway until noon. +  * **Vaatanosh**, //twilight sunrise// \\ Starts at what we would call sunrise, lasts halfway until noon. 
-  * **Sunrise** \\ Starts halfway between what we would call sunrise and noon, ends at noon. +  * **Taanosh**, //sunrise// \\ Starts halfway between what we would call sunrise and noon, ends at noon. 
-  * **Sunset** \\ Starts at noon, lasts halfway until what we would call sunset. +  * **Kivanosh**, //sunset// \\ Starts at noon, lasts halfway until what we would call sunset. 
-  * **Twilight Sunset** \\ Starts halfway between noon and what we would call sunset, ends at what we would call sunset. +  * **Vaakinosh**, //twilight sunset// \\ Starts halfway between noon and what we would call sunset, ends at what we would call sunset. 
-  * **Twilight Sunsink** \\ Starts at what we would call sunset, lasts halfway until midnight. +  * **Vaaka͡inosh**, //twilight sunsink// \\ Starts at what we would call sunset, lasts halfway until midnight. 
-  * **Sunsink** \\ Starts halfway between what we would call sunset and midnight, ends at midnight.+  * **Kiika͡inosh**, //sunsink// \\ Starts halfway between what we would call sunset and midnight, ends at midnight.
 Expressed in other units: Expressed in other units:
Line 131: Line 133:
   * ~11237 Earth seconds //(11236.5 Earth seconds)//   * ~11237 Earth seconds //(11236.5 Earth seconds)//
-==== Paparo ("Matter") ====+==== paparo ("Matter") ====
 Every hour is split into eight "matters". Every hour is split into eight "matters".
Line 140: Line 142:
   * ~23 Earth minutes //(23.409375 Earth minutes = 23 minutes, 24.5625 seconds)//   * ~23 Earth minutes //(23.409375 Earth minutes = 23 minutes, 24.5625 seconds)//
-==== Sapo ("Minute") ====+==== sapo ("Minute") ====
 Every "matter" is split into eight minutes. Every "matter" is split into eight minutes.
Line 150: Line 152:
   * ~176 Earth seconds //(175.5703125 Earth seconds)//   * ~176 Earth seconds //(175.5703125 Earth seconds)//
-==== Resho ("Phrase") ====+==== resho ("Phrase") ====
 Every minute is split into eight "phrases". Every minute is split into eight "phrases".
Line 159: Line 161:
   * ~22 Earth seconds //(21.9462890625 Earth seconds)//   * ~22 Earth seconds //(21.9462890625 Earth seconds)//
-==== Vemako ("Second") ====+==== vemako ("Second") ====
 Every "phrase" is split into eight seconds. Every "phrase" is split into eight seconds.
nyaqen/time-keeping.1526160927.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-05-12 21:35 by pinkgothic