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nayabaru:subcultures [2020-01-08 22:39] – Vatenas subculture clean-up pinkgothicnayabaru:subcultures [2024-06-28 20:25] (current) pinkgothic
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-<fc #ff0000>**WARNING**</fc>: The following material has not yet had a chance to become canonical.+<color #ff0000>**WARNING**</color>: The following material has not yet had a chance to become canonical.
 Nayabaru are largely blind to the differences in their subcultures when they encounter them, as they tend to manifest on axes they are less interested in - this means there are no formal names for these subcultures, and this page will simply try to give them geographic names. Nayabaru are largely blind to the differences in their subcultures when they encounter them, as they tend to manifest on axes they are less interested in - this means there are no formal names for these subcultures, and this page will simply try to give them geographic names.
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 On the other hand, occasionally, kavkema might redeem themselves - much like a human who was sentenced to a certain number of years of imprisonment to then walk free. Of course, containment is still a paramount, so freedom is not an option. However, the subculture is entirely willing to use kavkema as slaves (other cultures might call the same setup "pets"). Note that this arrangement is actually the most likely to treat kavkema //kindly// and a constellation bordering on friendship may form between a 'reformed' kavkem and its Nayabaru 'owner'. That said, these 'friendships' take time, the right personalities, and from a Nayabaru perspective it's clear that it must be earned with hard work and loyalty. On the other hand, occasionally, kavkema might redeem themselves - much like a human who was sentenced to a certain number of years of imprisonment to then walk free. Of course, containment is still a paramount, so freedom is not an option. However, the subculture is entirely willing to use kavkema as slaves (other cultures might call the same setup "pets"). Note that this arrangement is actually the most likely to treat kavkema //kindly// and a constellation bordering on friendship may form between a 'reformed' kavkem and its Nayabaru 'owner'. That said, these 'friendships' take time, the right personalities, and from a Nayabaru perspective it's clear that it must be earned with hard work and loyalty.
-Vatenas tattoos tend to be minimalist, with thin strokes and accented joints that only hint at the original glyph joint design. Nonetheless, they are quite recognisable as [[:Nayabaru:society:tattoo|//tsha͡um// or //fega͡uri//]]:+Vatenas tattoos tend to be minimalist, with thin strokes and accented joints that only hint at the original glyph joint design. Nonetheless, they are quite recognisable as [[:Nayabaru:society:tattoo|tsha͡um or fega͡uri]]:
 {{ :nayabaru:society:tattoo-region-vatenas.png?nolink&200 |}} {{ :nayabaru:society:tattoo-region-vatenas.png?nolink&200 |}}
-The //Vatenas-Petraal// subculture is known to prefer having strictly legible tattoos, using them more like they might regular writing, and repeat the tattoos as necessary to fill the necessary areas. An example rendition of the title //Hesh//, still heavily stylised by //Vatenas-Petraal// measures (the curves may end up straightened out arbitrarily, and the rotation of the glyphs is often adjusted so they 'share' a rotation, much as when they are taught):+The //Vatenas-Petraal// subculture is known to prefer having what they consider to be strictly legible tattoos, using them more like they might regular writing, and repeat the tattoos as necessary to fill the necessary areas. An example rendition of the title //Hesh//, still heavily stylised by //Vatenas-Petraal// measures (the curves may end up straightened out arbitrarily, and the rotation of the glyphs is often adjusted so they 'share' a rotation, much as when they are taught):
-{{:nayabaru:society:tattoo-region-vatenas-hesh-example.png?nolink&200|}}+{{ :nayabaru:society:tattoo-region-vatenas-hesh-example.png?nolink&200 |}}
 This sequence of curves would be repeated several times on the back of the //Hesh// in question - once in very large lettering, then in smaller patterns visually grouping with the large tattoo (a bit like a [[|tag cloud]]). This sequence of curves would be repeated several times on the back of the //Hesh// in question - once in very large lettering, then in smaller patterns visually grouping with the large tattoo (a bit like a [[|tag cloud]]).
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 ===== Sefusa ===== ===== Sefusa =====
-{{:nayabaru:society:tattoo-region-sefusa.png?nolink&200|}}+Sefusa is a large stretch of land whose mountain ranges have been claimed by the Nayabaru more than on any other continent. The kavkema that live here tend not to be mountainous, instead hiding in the jungle that the Nayabaru have rejected as a habitat, but as it is not an environment they were made to thrive in and evolution has not quite pushed them far enough to fix this problem, there are not many kavkema on Sefusa at all.
-The Sefusa subculture is notable in that it does not engage in defensive measures against the kavkema more than necessary - one might consider them a bit lazy about it, and very confident in their ability to take on kavkema if personally confronted with them.+Accordingly, kavkema are almost invisible to Sefusa. Indeed, some //Sefusa// subculture Nayabaru may live their entire life without encountering a kavkem or as much of a story of one, believing them to merely be monsters of old. Correspondingly, the Sefusa subculture is notable in that it does not engage in defensive measures against the kavkema more than would be necessary to keep out any other predator straying too close to their settlements.
-Generally, whereas other cultures will happily abuse the kavkema as labrats or otherwise 'dehumanise' them, the Sefusa subculture shows no inherent interest in thisbut this is largely attributed to their disinterest in kavkema, not to kindness.+Even in areas on Sefusa that are still convinced kavkema exist, such as the areas immediately around [[:planet:Nekenalos:Sefusa:Petraal]] or [[:planet:Nekenalos:Sefusa:Farden]], where Pens are still common, the Sefusa subculture shows no inherent interest in abusing the kavkema as labrats or otherwise 'dehumanising' them. However, this should be attributed to disinterest, not to kindness. 
 +The tattoos of the //Sefusa// subculture are usually rendered in an 'open' fashion, missing part of the glyph outline, but make up for this by emphasising the flow of the segments with additional strokes, most of which run aesthetically parallel to the remaining outline(s), such as here: 
 +{{ :nayabaru:society:tattoo-region-sefusa.png?nolink&200 |}}
nayabaru/subcultures.1578523152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-01-08 22:39 by pinkgothic