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Tain-Katal subculture

The core Nayabaru subculture, Tain-Katal Nayabaru are the Nayabaru that live along the 'eastern' and 'southern' coastal stretches of Asheenagiji. It's the only subculture to try to assimilate kavkema into its ranks (i.e. consider certain individual kavkema extremely low-ranking members of Nayabaru culture - other subcultures might still happily keep them as pets), albeit with brutal methods. It views kavkema that were not grown in their labs as creatures halfway suspended between 'animal' and 'terrorist'.

It exhibits some cross-pollination effects with the Asheenagiji subculture.

Asheenagiji subculture

The main body of the Asheenagiji continent is a desert expanse. The Nayabaru in this subculture are less likely to reject outcasts from other areas, granting them a richer but more dangerous cultural landscape. It has the highest murder rate, largely because it has the highest number of psychotic individuals (some of which are even selected to breed).

They have a stance toward inflicted death that is compatible with the base culture, but makes an exception for accidentally inflicted deaths (which most other Nayabaru sub-cultures make no exception for), which they do not punish.

(Over many generations, this stance has bled slightly into the Tain-Katal subculture, who apply it exclusively to accidental kavkema deaths.)

The Asheenagiji subculture itself has no general stance on the kavkema, given there aren't many kavkema amongst the wastelands.

Valesh Island subculture

The area around Valesh, scattered pockets in mainland Cetaros, as well as some of the islands south of Cetaros (but not all of them) is home to a Nayabaru subculture that has elevated their xenophobia of the kavkema to an art form that has pushed it back out the other end to give them a certain respect for them.

Perhaps ironically, they view the kavkema entirely as animals (though they grant them basic sapient 'protection' by their ethical system, i.e. consider their deaths something to prevent). Nonetheless, they are considerably more interested in the kavkemic culture than the rest of the Nayabaru culture would claim and there are informal areas that the kavkema are left alone (though it's not allowed to be made explicit, since then they need to do something about it) so that they won't die out. The subculture is too interested in keeping enough of the kavkema around specifically so they might continue hunting them - which occasionally involves catching them and releasing them again later simply to hunt them again. It's something of a sport for them.

Cetaros-Tabraan subculture

The Cetaros-Tabraan subculture is another 'pure' streak of Nayabaru culture, much like Tain-Katal, though they are stricter about their treatment of outlawed inflicted death. They also do not engage in defensive measures against the kavkema more than necessary - one might consider them a bit lazy about it, and very confident in their ability to take on kavkema if personally confronted with them.

Much like the Valesh Island subculture, they view the kavkema primarily as animals (but also grant them sapient 'protection' by their ethical system, i.e. consider their deaths something to prevent). Whereas other cultures will happily abuse the kavkema as labrats or otherwise 'dehumanise' them, the Cetaros-Tabraan subculture shows no inherent interest in this, but this is largely attributed to their disinterest in kavkema, not to kindness.

Vatenas-Petraal subculture

The Vatenas-Petraal subculture considers the kavkema entirely sapient and fully accountable for their actions. Accordingly, they are a very nasty place for kavkema to live, even if they will not engage in some actions such as using them as labrats.

They're a fairly purist subculture that does not tolerate much mixing with other subcultures (Petraal on Sefusa notwithstanding). Vatenas as a whole keeps itself neatly isolated from the other subcultures by nature of being an island. They are very interested in scientific progress (even if they are not very good at it, as they still suffer all the same failings of the base culture) and keep communicative contact with the rest of the Nayabaru primarily so they can learn of new technologies.

They're entirely willing to use kavkema as slaves (other cultures might call the same setup “pets”). They're actually the most likely to treat kavkem pets/slaves kindly, but it's something that takes time, the right personalities, and has to be earned.

Sefusa subculture

(I would expect this to be a mix of Vatenas-Petraal and Tain-Katal, but I don't seem to have a feel for this.)

Reeva Peninsula subculture

The Reeva Peninsula subculture can, from an outside perspective on the Nayabaru, be considered a radicalist subculture. While they are not under the same pressures as the Asheenagiji subculture to be tolerant of deviants, they possess a similar principle. The Reeva subculture has avenues for social redemption.

Since they do not consider social failing to be a permanent affliction, they are the most likely of the Nayabaru to talk to the kavkema, rather than simply antagonising them. That said, as with all Nayabaru, their social harmony overrides any interest they may have in 'forgiving' the kavkema, and any alliances should be considered as temporary as they would elsewhere. They just crop up more often.

Similarly, the Reeva Peninsula subculture is the source of Nayabaru without a title as a legitimate notion, having pioneered the concept.

All in all, they consider one's social place as far more mobile than the rest of the Nayabaru, though they would still be very confused by someone changing jobs more than once in their life.

nayabaru/subcultures.1578509177.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-01-08 18:46 by pinkgothic