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The sapient species of Nekenalos (kavkema and Nayabaru) share their time-keeping systems. The terms are derived from Kendane͡ivash. In difference to other Kendane͡ivash nouns, the terms used for time-keeping serve as their own plural form - in other words, the plur of skuro is still skuro, not skuroa.

Celestial, Chiefly Used In Mythological Contexts

Skuro ("Era")

One Daskuvar orbit around Mekiva.

Expressed in other units:

  • ~5220.6 siro (“Wards”)
  • ~7256.6 nero (“Years”)
  • ~18223 years

Siro ("Ward")

One Dasirvi orbit around Mekiva.

Expressed in other units:

  • ~1.39 nero (“Years”)
  • ~3.924 tevo (“Passes”)
  • ~1226.87 taath (“Days”)
  • 1276.46 days

Nero ("Year")

One orbit of Nekenalos around Mekiva.

This is not as useful a unit of time as one might naively expect. Since Nekenalos has no seasons, a year is purely of celestial interest.

Expressed in other units:

  • ~2.82 tevo (“Passes”)
  • ~881 taath (“Days”)
  • ~2.5 years
  • 916.6 days

Celestial, In Civilian Use

Tevo ("Pass")

Time it takes for Tevasur to realign with Nekenalos and Mekiva, i.e. orbit Mekiva once (~241 Earth days) plus change (~85 Earth days to catch up to Nekenalos, keeping in mind that Nekenalos also continues to move). Note that due to orbital eccentricity, “re-align” is not actually what one might expect.

Expressed in other units:

  • ~70 yeno (“Weeks”)
  • ~2.82 yennedo (“Calendars”)
  • ~313 taath (“Days”)
  • ~327 days

Yennedo ("Calendar")

Time it takes for Yeenajei to orbit Mekiva often enough that the orbit sequence begins exactly at a Nekenalosan midnight and ends exactly at a Nekenalosan midnight.

Expressed in other units:

  • 25 yeno (“Weeks”)
  • 111 taath (“Days”)
  • ~2772 hours
1-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3-4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5-6 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
7-8 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
9-10 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
11-12 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
13-14 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
15-16 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
17-18 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
19-20 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
21-22 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
23-24 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
25 108 109 110 111

Yeno ("Week")

Time it takes for Yeenajei to orbit so it is in the same place relative to Nekenalos (i.e. one proper orbit plus a little bit of change), rounded to Nekenalosan days. Since Yeenajei does not orbit a multiple of Nekenalosan days, this has a day variance. See “Calendar” for the pattern of short to long weeks.

Yeenajei raw orbit in other units:

  • 4.62 days

Yeenajei relative orbit in other units:

  • ~4.6431 days
  • ~4.44 taath (“Days”)
  • ~111 hours
  • ~35.52 paro (“Hours”) (3.52 paro more than 4 taath)

One yeno is either 4 days (“Zyshyeno”) or 5 days (“Vazhyeno”), depending on how much lag has accumulated.

Each week consists of the following four to five named days:

  • Taathysa, the Youngest Day (from “taath”, day, and “ysazas”, to bear)
    Abbreviated TH
  • Taatuman, the Learning Day (from “taath”, day, and “tumanus”, to learn)
    Abbreviated TU
  • Taaqan, the Living Day (from “taath”, day, and “qanos”, to live)
    Abbreviated QA
  • Taayut, the Dying Day (from “taath”, day, and “yutas”, to die)
    Abbreviated YU
  • Taakas̈, the Sleeping Day (from “taath”, day, and “kas̈us”, to sleep)
    Abbreviated KA

The Sleeping Day (Taakas̈) is not always present. See the Calendar section for more details.

Taath ("Day")

Time it takes for Nekenalos to rotate around itself.

Expressed in other units:

  • ~25 hours (24.97 Earth hours = 24 hours, 58 minutes and 2 seconds)

Fractional Units

Paro ("Hour")

An eighth of a Nekenalosan day. The hours have names, though they are rarely used:

  • Sunfloat
    Starts at midnight, lasts halfway until what we would call sunrise.
  • Twilight Sunfloat
    Starts halfway between midnight and what we would call sunrise, ends at what we would call sunrise.
  • Twilight Sunrise
    Starts at what we would call sunrise, lasts halfway until noon.
  • Sunrise
    Starts halfway between what we would call sunrise and noon, ends at noon.
  • Sunset
    Starts at noon, lasts halfway until what we would call sunset.
  • Twilight Sunset
    Starts halfway between noon and what we would call sunset, ends at what we would call sunset.
  • Twilight Sunsink
    Starts at what we would call sunset, lasts halfway until midnight.
  • Sunsink
    Starts halfway between what we would call sunset and midnight, ends at midnight.

Expressed in other units:

  • 0.125 taath (“Days”)
  • ~3 Earth hours (3.12125 Earth hours = 3 hours, 7 minutes, 16.5 seconds)
  • ~11237 Earth seconds (11236.5 Earth seconds)

Paparo ("Matter")

Every hour is split into eight “matters”.

Expressed in other units:

  • 0.125 paro (“Hours”)
  • ~23 Earth minutes (23.409375 Earth minutes = 23 minutes, 24.5625 seconds)

Sapo ("Minute")

Every “matter” is split into eight minutes.

Expressed in other units:

  • 0.125 paparo (“Matters”)
  • ~3 Earth minutes (2.926172 Earth minutes = 2 minutes, 55.5703125 seconds)
  • ~176 Earth seconds (175.5703125 Earth seconds)

Resho ("Phrase")

Every minute is split into eight “phrases”.

Expressed in other units:

  • 0.125 sapo (“Minutes”)
  • ~22 Earth seconds (21.9462890625 Earth seconds)

Vemako ("Second")

Every “phrase” is split into eight seconds.

Expressed in other units:

  • 0.125 resho (“Phrases”)
  • ~3 Earth seconds (2.7432861328125 Earth seconds)
nyaqen/time-keeping.1526161811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-05-12 21:50 by pinkgothic